MGA Special Announcement

For the first time in Australian Mixed Game history I am pleased to announce MGA will be implementing its “Blind Rewind” protocol into all fixed limit tournaments.

How does it work?

I will tell you, but first a little history of how we got here.

Everyone has played an event where you run deep and make your way to a final table and once there you join the “turkey shoot” and all-in bingo fiesta because you all share one blind between you! (I know this is a very slight exaggeration), but you get the point right?

At MGA, upon reaching a final table of any fixed limit tournament, or a mix that includes fixed limit games, we will enable the “Blind Rewind” protocols where we will ensure there are at least 70 big bets in play … that’s right peeps, unmatched and groundbreaking stuff!

How is it worked out?

Simple. We know how many chips are in play so we divide that number by 70 and make sure that the level we start playing the final table is equal to or less than that number. 

Example – There are 700,000 chips in play – ensuring there are 70 bets on the final table:

700,000 / 70 = 10,000 big bet

If the proposed level when reaching the final table is equal to or greater than a big bet of 10k then the blinds will rewind to the start of that level.

Here’s how we proceed based on different situations:

  1. Big bet for level less than the “Blind Rewind” guarantee – play on
  2. Big bet for the level is equal to the “Blind Rewind” guarantee – restart the level
  3. Big bet for the level is greater than the “Blind Rewind” guarantee – Level will be rolled back to the start of the level required to ensure the minimum of 70 big bets in play.

I don’t think I needed to give you another reason to join the mixed game revolution, but if you needed a nudge, this might do it. 

In limit games, having 8-10 big bets is pretty deep and that’s exactly what we provide. A seven handed final table will see an average of 10 big bets per player. If the final table has 9 players then the average will be eight big bets.

Please note that the Blind Rewind does not currently apply to any Heads Up event or events with only big bet game(s) such as No Limit 2-7 Single Draw. We will solve the perfect “Blind Rewind” for these games after some further analysis, watch this space!

More play, when it counts. Blind Rewind™ brought to you by Mixed Games Academy.

Brisbane Mixed Games Festival 19-21 July 2024

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