MGA on the Gold Coast – May 2023

Welcome to the GC peeps as MGA bring you the third festival of mixed games for 2023!
This series is being hosted by the amazing crew at Southport Sharks as we welcome you to the MGA Gold Coast festival along side our friends at APT.
This will be the biggest week of poker yet with more variants than have EVER been played in Australia before! It’s going to be massive, over 20 different variations of Draw, Stud and Flop games!
The action packed daily schedule includes the following tournaments:
- 8 Game mix
- T.E.R.O.S.
- Big bet mix
- PLO 8 or better
- Triple Draw event
- Dealers choice (21 games to choose from)
- 3 game mix including Draw, Stud and Flop hi/Lo – 8 or better variants.
- Main event – 10 game mix – 2 Day event
- No limit 2-7 Single draw
This is mixed game nirvana for the beginner and experienced players alike. Something to suit all tastes, whatever you are hungry for!
Nothing can take away from winning the $1,200 main event 10 game rotation featuring the full mix of limit and big bet games, however, the new addition of a $750 buy-in “dealers choice” with 21 games on offer will certainly go close!!
Dealers choice details
At the start of the tournament a “high card” process will determine the placement of the dealer button followed another high card process to select the player who will choose the first game. A full rotation will be played and the “dealers choice” card will move to the players left, a game will be selected and we continue throughout the tournament. A minimum of six hands will be played of each game. Some common questions asked:
Q. Can I select the same game as the last player?
A. Yes, there is no restriction on what game you are allowed to choose so long as there is a card for it.
Q. What games are on offer?
A. Well I’m glad you asked!
- Limit 2-7 Triple Draw,
- Pot Limit 2-7 Triple Draw,
- No Limit 2-7 Single Draw,
- Ace to five, Badugi,
- No Limit Five Card Single Draw (High),
- Badeucey,
- Badacey
- Razz,
- 2-7 Razz,
- Stud,
- Stud Hi/Lo – 8 or better,
- Stud Hi/Lo Regular
- NLH,
- Holdem,
- Pot Limit Holdem,
- Omaha Hi,
- Omaha Hi/Lo – 8 or better,
- PLO,
- PLO8,
- Big O
This is going to be one of the most sought after titles of the week!
Stay tuned for a full explanation and breakdown of each game in future blogs.
Tuesday Big bet series
By popular demand there has been a day dedicated to just big bet carnage, no grinding the limit games, only Pot limit and No limit games in this mix!
- No Limit Holdem
- Pot Limit Omaha
- Pot Limit 2-7 Triple Draw
- Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo – 8 or better
- No Limit 2-7 Single Draw
- Big O (5 Card PLO Hi/Lo – 8 or better)
- No Limit 5 Card Single Draw
With 5 ‘one way’ games and only two ‘split pot’ variants we will draw blood! If there was ever a tournament mix for the hardcore NLH players to try – this is it!
The Big Bet mix starts at 2pm and at 6:30pm we will play a single discipline tournament, PLO 8 or better, to end the day perfectly with some Pot Limit high/low action!
Archie, Stud 8 & Omaha 8 mix
Based on absolutely no research MGA HQ are very confident that we will be hosting, for the first time ever a tournament mix including a draw game called “Archie”. This is a Limit Triple Draw, split pot variant with two qualifying hands:
Low – 8 or better
High – Pair of 6’s or better
If no hand qualifies at showdown down then the pot is split between remaining live players.
This mix provides players with a George Thorogood inspired selection from the hit song “One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer” by providing a tournament with “One Draw, One Stud and One flop” … rotating between the triple draw, stud and flop high/low split variants.
Main event – 10 game mix
The Andrew’s Airport Parking main event consists of a specific 10 game mix and fixed rotation of games covering Limit, Pot Limit and No Limit betting structures as well as Triple Draw, Stud and Flop variants. This is a two day event, $1,200 buy-in with a 40,000 starting stack. Day one levels play 30 mins and day two increases to 40 minutes. When the tournament reaches heads up, the blinds will be adjusted to 20 minutes.
Day one begins Saturday 27th May @ 1pm and plays 16 levels then returns to limits of 8,000/16,000 day two on Sunday 28th May @ 12pm.
Mixed game variants while being around for a long time, are only now growing in popularity. The barriers to entry for players mainly revolve around understanding game play and basic starting hand ranges. We have had a number of pure NLH players come across from the ‘dark side’ and join the fun in the mixed streets finding almost instant success with multiple cashes and the taking down of tournament titles.
Playing these variants and tournament mixes, with so many fixed limit games is a grind, the tournaments play longer, it’s difficult to put players to the test on a bluff with river/7th street/final draw bets when the ‘pot odds’ are always so enticing.
At MGA HQ we are constantly looking for new and interesting mixes of games for players, we will continue to ‘mix it up’ and bring you the cutting edge of structures and mixes at all MGA events.
So what are you waiting for? The mixes are set, Academy training is available prior to all MGA events giving you the winning formula required and you cannot play these games anywhere else in Australia, or even the southern hemisphere right now, let that last bit sink in …
Hand selected mixes, spreading more games than any operator has before, Australia’s first and only mixed game specialists … get on the MGA train … want to stay in the loop? Then sign up to the website for up to the minute news and info of upcoming series and the latest in mixed games!
Get in the mix!
See you on the GC in May!
MGA website:
MGA Gold Coast event schedules and structures:
MGA Sponsors page:
Southport Sharks Hotel accomodation:
APT Gold Coast schedule: